Can u hide downloaded games ps4

 · The primary PS4 will store licenses on the machine and you will not need to constantly revalidate. This means the lock icon will never appear. If you are using a secondary PS4, you need to have an active internet connection to validate the license. Any failure in these requests to validate will cause the games to lock.  · You can’t put purchased but uninstalled games in their own folder, this is a must. I shouldn’t have to sift through hundreds of demos, betas and crappy PS Plus games to find a game I want to re-install to play again. Is there a way to "hide" downloaded games. Close. 9. Posted by 4 years ago. Archived. Is there a way to "hide" downloaded games. I'm not a huge gamer so please forgive this probably dumb question. Long story short, I got my husband the VR bundle for his PS4 as a gift. I wanted to get some games so it's all ready to play when I give it to him.

Answer (1 of 6): It depends on what you mean by "transfer." If you mean playing a multi-platform game you bought on your Xbox on your PS4, then no. The PlayStation Store and the Xbox One store are two separate online merchants that do not honor purchases made on the other in any way. If you bou. Sony said "Ok, you can play all your PS4 games, except these few, on a PS5". MS said "You can play thousands of games. Don't mention the fact that it's only a fraction of the earlier. But yeah, you can play downloadED games when you're offline. User Info: dixy dixy42 (Topic Creator) 7 years ago #5. Thanks to the 2 helpful people and no thanks to the troll. Boards.

This video will show you how to restore your downloaded games onto your PS4 hard-drive. This comes in handy if you've had to re-initialize your PS4, if you'. Is there a way to "hide" downloaded games I'm not a huge gamer so please forgive this probably dumb question. Long story short, I got my husband the VR bundle for his PS4 as a gift. Any way to hide game icons from the main screen? Back on PS3, the only game icons you'd see were ones that you downloaded and whatever current disc was in the machine. When I got a PS4, I bought all my games on physical discs because I didn't want them cluttering up my main screen.


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