The Mozilla Firefox "Quantum" web browser is now available to download for all supported platforms, including Linux, Mac, and Windows, ahead of tomorrow's official launch. · When using Firefox Quantum (Version 63) and OWA through our SharePoint site, I am unable to attach files to the emails. I've tested with earlier versions () and it works. It's just in quantum that I am having the issues with. · RELATED: How to Change the Chrome Download Folder Location. In Firefox, click the “Open menu” button on the right side of the toolbar and then click “Options” on the drop-down menu. On the “General” page, look for the settings in the “Downloads” section. Type your desired download path into the “Save files to” box or click Author: Walter Glenn.
Firefox for Desktop. Get the not-for-profit-backed browser on Windows, Mac or Linux. Firefox for Android. Get the customizable mobile browser for Android smartphones. Share on Facebook; 0; Ubuntu plans to make the Firefox Snap the default version for new installations of Ubuntu A feature freeze exception (FFE) filed by Canonical's Olivier Tilloy replaces the package in the Ubuntu 'seed' with the Snap version. He writes: "Per Canonical's distribution agreement with Mozilla, we're making the snap the default installation of. Firefox 57, which was released in November , was the first version to contain enhancements from Quantum, and has thus been named Firefox Quantum. A Mozilla executive stated that Quantum was the "biggest update" to the browser since version [48] [49] [50].
You have go to the URL about:debugging on Firefox, click on "Load Temporary Add-on" and select any file from the directory of the chrome_extension. Handcoding by Aliocha. Handcoding by Aliocha. January Changelog. We don't have any change log information yet for version of Mozilla Firefox Beta. Sometimes publishers take a little while to make this information available, so please check back in a few days to see if it has been updated. The next step is where you can choose a different Destination Folder, which is where the Firefox program will be installed. C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\ is the default folder path on bit Windows. It's also the default location on bit Windows when the bit Firefox version is installed.